stuff we drool about


Like the rest of us, Airbnb is adapting to today?s reality and have introduced Online Experiences, a new way for people to connect, travel virtually and earn income during the COVID-19 crisis. Airbnb Online Experiences lets hosts share their interests and passions, whilst at home just like us. Over the past few weeks, they?ve offered ideas for how to continue hosting – even while we?re apart. They?ve adapted recipes based on what?s in their pantries, turned living rooms into yoga studios, and choreographed dances for families at home. Try something new together with small groups from around the world. Join tango classes, tarot card readings, farm visits, meditation with Buddhist monks, virtual visits with the dogs of Chernobyl, cooking with a Moroccan family, and more – all while meeting new people. Thanks to the dedication and passion of hosts, you can keep traveling even when you?re staying home. 

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