Pico by PicoBrew,
aims to reinforce the idea that everything that?s homemade tastes
better?they just applied the thought to the most popular alcoholic drink
in the world: beer. Now this brewsky should really taste special and
right up your alley since you get to personalize it, so it?ll have the
flavor you aim to get. The home appliance consists of a kit that enables
you to brew 5L in around two hours for each batch; with it also comes a
set of pre-chosen ingredients that add up the flavors you?ll learn to
tune to your taste, a brewing keg, a dispensing keg a CO2 regulator to
pour it and cleaning tablets to deep clean the entire system. Pico uses
convenient, ready-to-brew PicoPak ingredient kits produced by over 50 of
the world?s most interesting craft breweries (with more announced every
day). It also has wi-fi connection so you can keep track on your
product and even download brewing recipes shared by the PicoBrew
community. watch the video below

Learn more from PicoBrew, or pre-order now from Amazon

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