Starry Station
aims to help and guide internet users making sense of what?s going on
with their connection and their subscribed service. It?s an obvious
statement that we?re more and more dependent of the internet, it also
seems obvious, to most of its users, that sometimes the subscribed
service does not totally fulfill what?s been agreed to or subscribed,
and we get slower speed rates and downloads become longer, plus you
never get what the blinking lights on your router really mean… Starry
Station wants to help you make sense of your internet connection,
letting you know what?s going on with your speed and what your devices
are using. It also strongly enhances the signal, getting it straight OTA
(over-the-air). The Ambient Touchscreen Wi-Fi Station keeps track of
your devices, checking them for issues and even proposing solutions,
such as moving the device or changing the frequency, and helps you
manage more efficiently your home?s network. Its simple interface is
really easy to use and the minimal and neutral design will fit quite
well anywhere you set it on. watch the video below

Learn more from Starry, or grab one now from Amazon

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