Super Smash Bros. Fan Nintendo Store Bomb Threat

Some Nintendo fans are taking their fandom to extremes and it’s not all positive. It’s just been reported that an avid Super Smash Bros. player has just sent a bomb threat to the Nintendo World Store which is located at Rockefeller Center in New York City.

The reason for the threat revolves around the removal of playable game kiosks in the store and it looks like the individual who made the threat focused his disapproval over the disappearance of the Super Smash Bros. kiosk. The threatening message was actually sent to an email account the store hasn’t been using in a while. While the message was sent in April, it was only recently discovered because an employee was cleaning up the inbox.

Additionally, Mitsu, a Twitter user and Twitch streamer is now involved in the investigation. He recently made some Tweets about the situation and revealed that the investigation is still ongoing and the threat did not “prompt a closure of the store.” See some of his Tweets below.

The NYPD has said that it is investigating, and the site said the FBI is also looking into the threats. In lighter news, Super Smash Bros. recently announced an epic roster for its upcoming Nintendo game at E3.

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